MoneyMaker moneymaker_92 Experience 2 years 8 month Mailouts Active (1) Archival Profit Win Lose Return Turnover Max drawdown YIELD BuzzerPicks $ Paid mailout 7 days - 3500 o14 days - 6000 o30 days - 10000 oUpon reaching:profit 20% from turnover to 1000% in 30 days - 10000 o 2 years 7 month pre BuzzerPicks pre Profit -7.74% 2 years 7 month Win Lose Return Win— win bets Lose— losing bets Return— refunds 13 16 1 Turnover 37% Max drawdown 8.5% YIELD -20.92% Followers 0 $ Paid mailout 7 days - 3500 o14 days - 6000 o30 days - 10000 oUpon reaching:profit 20% from turnover to 1000% in 30 days - 10000 o In the archive Profit Win Lose Return Max drawdown YIELD USAsports $ Paid mailout 7 days - 5000 o14 days - 8000 o30 days - 15000 oUpon reaching:profit 30% from turnover to 1000% in 30 days - 10000 o < 1 month Archived with 17.05.2022 USAsports < 1 month In the archive from 17.05.2022 Profit -14.07% Win Lose Return Win— win bets Lose— losing bets Return— refunds 158 136 15 Max drawdown 49.69% YIELD -2.29%